Dr Kyriaki Manolakou
Doctor, Lab. Medicine – Embryologist
Dr. Kyriaki Manolakou studied MEDICINE , under scholarships, at the Medical School of the University of Athens . She graduated ” Magna Cum Laude”, and specialized in Laboratory Medicine (Hematology,Biochemistry, Immunology and Microbiology) .
She worked as a Consultant at NHS hospitals for 11 years.
She completed her PhD with” Summa Cum Laude” at the Biochemistry department of the medical school of Athens and had private practice in Reproductive Laboratory Medicine and Immunology .She trained as an embryologist at the Medical School of Brussels.
She presented numerous medical studies in international Scientific Magazines and Meetings, in Fertility conferences and seminars.
She has been working as the head of Embryology at the “Mitrotis” fertility Unit since 2000.